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WordPress / Yoothemes: Kommentare in Nano-Theme entfernen

Ich wollte heute bei einer WordPress-Seite nicht, dass irgendwas von der WordPress-Kommentarfunktion im Frontend zu sehen ist. Ich verwendete das „Nano“-Theme von Yoothemes.com und nach etwas suchen bin ich auch einen sehr eleganten Weg gestossen, wie man dies anstellen kann.
Ich habe es so gemacht, dass ich die Datei „comments.php“ im Verzeichnis „wp-content/themes/yoo_nano_wp/warp/systems/wordpress3.0/layouts“ einfach umbenannt habe und schon war nichts mehr von irgendwelchen Kommentarmöglichkeiten zu sehen.

Yoothemes: Widgetkit Gets Responsive

News von meinem Lieblings-Wordpress-Theme-Anbieter:

Widgetkit Gets Responsive: „Widgetkit Gets Responsive

Tada! Today we are really proud to announce the first major Widgetkit release since we introduced it back in January. Widgetkit has improved constantly over the last 6 months, but lately we have worked hard on a really important new feature: A completely responsive design for Widgetkit. All widgets including all the fancy effects are now adapting perfectly for all different device resolutions. This goes along with our upcoming Warp 6.2 release which also features a completely responsive design. But besides bugfixes we added nice little features to Widgetkit 1.1.

Responsive Design

All widgets are now responsive! In the first place this is true for all the fancy transition effects like the fold, puzzle or KenBurns effect of the Gallery and Slideshow widget. But also all other widgets like the Slideset, Lightbox and Media Player adapt perfectly for smaller screen sizes. That way, the new Widgetkit is usable for all devices and is also future-proof.

To accomplish this goal, Widgetkit always checks each widget’s dimensions against its parent dom element dimensions. If a widget size is bigger than its parent element, Widgetkit automatically adapts the size of that widget. Besides the common resize techniques we also utilize new CSS3 features like transform to make all widgets look nice on any device.

Gallery Image Uploads

We added another cool new feature: Now Widgetkit has its own option to upload images to the Gallery widget. Just drag and drop images from your desktop to the Widgetkit UI and they will be uploaded to your server. We know there are still features missing like managing folders, etc. but this is our first step to improve the image management.


And last but not least we now support the JCK Editor and Codemirror in the Widgetkit administration of Joomla. Thanks to the JCK Editor team for making this possible!

We will have a demo of the responsive Widgetkit online next week together with the Warp 6.2 theme release. But don’t hesitate to download Widgetkit now and take it for a test drive! We are excited to hear your feedback!

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Yoothemes: Space 2 Icon Set

Space 2 Icon Set: Space 2 Icon Set

„As promised here comes our second part of our space icon series! Now the Space Crew is complete with a witty robot in three different mood versions, the green twin of the protozoa alien, a satellite, a planet and a flying saucer. So what are you waiting for – with this team you are ready to travel to infinity and beyond! This makes 7 icons altogether. All icons come in 32-bit transparency PNG file format and in 8 different standard sizes, ranging from 16×16 to 512×512 pixels. It makes a total of 56 additional handcrafted icons which are of course optimized for each specific size.

Take a look at the new space icons and join the icon club!

Sign Up Today

(Via YOOtheme.)

(Yoothemes.com) Sidebar und Modul Varianten

Auf den neuen Webseiten von Yoothemes.Com hab ich eine sehr praktische und nützliche Übersicht gefunden, wie die Sidebar´s bzw. die Module bei den Themes von ihnen angeordnet sind. Durchaus praktisch, weil ich immer wieder am überlegen bin, wo welches Widget dann auftaucht. 😉